St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

There is a school tour for prospective pupils at 9.30am on 24th September, 10th & 24th October and 28th November. Please contact the school office to book a place, or 020 86936852.

Etherow Street, Dulwich, London, SE22 0LA

02086 936852

Helping Your Child


 Questions to develop reading skills (5-7).pdfDownload
 Questions to develop reading skills (7-11).pdfDownload
 Leaflet 10 - Self Worth.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 9 - Praise and reward.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 8 - Supporting Special Educational Needs and Disability.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 7 - Online safety a guide for parents.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 6 - Independence and responsibility.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 4 - Preparing for change at school.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 5 - Your child's wellbeing.pdfDownload
 Leaflet 3 - Giving your child a helping hand.pdfDownload
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